Monday, 29 August 2016

Tosmega Cocoa Merchant/Supplier

Tosmega Cocoa has been established as a Cocoa Dealer/Merchant company in South-South Nigeria. Our traditional business model is based on Timely and Secure delivery of Cocoa beans to client. Based on the decision of the company to diversify our Scope of operation we have now 50 hectares of Cocoa Farm. The revenues of our company are expected to be nearly N5,000,000 per month depending on the variables that are factored in with investments in the cocoa industry. There is a great need for investors to secure their fund by investing in the cocoa industry. In addition to cocoa farm investments, the company partners 100 License Buying Agent across Nigeria.
Apart from our routine cocoa business, we engaged the farmers on training programs on the best methods to farm "Cocoa" in other to yield high quality and bumper harvest. the "RED GOLD" as is widely known among the Factors and LBA's in Boki Local Goverment Area of Cross River State where our Warehouse is located is an economic product that most Africa countries enjoy a comparative economic advantage.

contact us today

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

This Report was Wriiten by Tadaferua Ujorha of Daily Trust on the 23 March 2015
 Boki Cocoa Magic

Boki — Daily Trust explores the growing interest in the cocoa trade in Boki, Cross River State, a town nestling in a quiet corner of the Niger Delta. Long ago Boki was famous for its Banana plantations, its banana farmers and their rich yearly harvest. Its fertile soils conduced for the cultivation of the plant, which grew quickly and there was its banana loving population too, and the many who found jobs each year whenever the harvest drew near. Many of its sons became wealthy from the vast trade, some of which were conveyed to the far north.But now, all this belongs to long ago, and a lot has changed. Cocoa has since risen and replaced Banana as an important cash crop in the town and surrounding areas. There are some challenges in its cultivation, but it can be safely said that cocoa is rising in Boki.Today, unlike the past when the crop was very visible, the banana crop is to be found planted in between cocoa in the many farms in the area. One crop replaces another in a silent non violent contest for power in the farms of Boki. If a history of crops there were to be written, it will be an important narrative detailing the cultivation of cocoa in an unlikely place. This is because people normally associate the cultivation of cocoa with
the South west rather than the South-South. Indeed cocoa injected much life into the economy of the western region during the first republic. Boki then becomes a pleasant shock to the visitor who is visiting the town for the first time. Houses have been built from the proceeds of Cocoa, and children have been given an education, and medical bills have also been paid. Daily Trust was shown a house built from proceeds of the cocoa trade in Boki, and the happy family dwelling therein. There are at least 100 cocoa farmers in the town today. Over a period of time a new class, which often had occasion to flaunt its wealth and status, then began to express itself in the environment.
Cocoa is probably best known today as the raw material for chocolate, which uses approximately 90% of the world’s cocoa production. On average, around 3 million tons of cocoa beans are produced each year. In the second half of
the 1990s, cocoa-producing countries generated an income of more than US$ 3 billion annually from exports of cocoa beans and cocoa-based products. Cocoa is almost exclusively grown in the tropics, mainly on small family and subsistence-level farms. The countries and regions that are blessed with the ideal climatic and environmental conditions for cocoa growing have the
opportunity to generate substantial export earnings from the crop, which can benefit their national economies and rural communities. Nevertheless, too much dependence on cocoa as a source of export revenue can sometimes lead to a country’s national or regional economy becoming unacceptably vulnerable to the risks inherent in cocoa production.
The international market price of cocoa is notoriously volatile. Crops are susceptible to the ravages of disease and extreme weather conditions. The size of the harvest can vary greatly from one year to the next. The physical shipment
of cocoa beans over long distances from numerous smallholdings to the main processing and distribution centres is a complex business – and not without risk. Bulk shipment and storage of cocoa have to be undertaken with extreme
care and consideration for the formidable array of international rules and regulations that surrounds it. To help alleviate some of the price risks for the producer, exporter, importer and processor, a sophisticated system of commodity exchanges exists, with futures
markets and appropriate hedging facilities. This system is concentrated in the major financial centres of London and New York.
Some producing countries manage to process significant quantities of cocoa beans locally into semi-finished or finished products but, for various reasons, it has generally proved more practical and economical for this activity to be performed near to the main consumer markets. Producers therefore tend to look elsewhere for ways of adding value to their cocoa bean exports – to the area
of land planted with cocoa, the selection of tree varieties, the effectiveness of disease and pest control programmes, the average bean quality of the harvest, post-harvest treatment and support services, etc. The overall efficiency with which the cocoa is brought to market can have a significant impact on a producer’s costs and profits.For anyone wanting to succeed in the cocoa business, thorough knowledge and understanding of the distribution chain, market trends and developments, and the special characteristics of trading and the exchanges are essential. This guide describes current trade and industry practices, as well as regulations
that apply to cocoa. It traces customs, systems and techniques used at each stage of the long cocoa supply chain. The appendices contain detailed statistics and selected listings of Internet websites that provide a vast amount of useful information on many aspects of cocoa. Also covered are some of the trends and initiatives emerging today – electronic commerce, organic farming, fair trade, sustainable production and environmental issues – all of which are becoming increasingly relevant to cocoa producers and traders.
The guide is designed to inform, assist and inspire the widely spread and diverse producers of cocoa – as well as to help newcomers to the cocoa trade. Its aim is to make a positive difference to the way the market is supplied and thus to the economies of the countries that produce cocoa and to the people whose livelihoods depend on it.

Friday, 12 August 2016

  How is the quality of cocoa checked - by hand, by machine?

The quality of cocoa is checked through sampling. The sampler selects at random a significant percentage of the bags for inspection and a stabbing iron is used to draw a number of beans from the selected bags. Or, if the cocoa is in bulk, samples are taken at random from the beans as they enter a hopper or as they are spread on tarpaulins. Different authorities may set a differing level of beans/samples for inspection. The International Standard recommends that the samples should amount to not less than 300 beans for every tonne of cocoa. For bagged cocoa, samples should be taken from not less than 30% of the bags, and for bulk cocoa there should be not less than 5 samplings per tonne.

The samples are analysed using the cut test. Most exporting countries' authorities specify standards dependent on the International Standards Organization cut test, as do normal physical cocoa contracts. The cut test provides an assessment of the beans from which analysts may infer certain characteristics of the cocoa, which gives an indication of quality. The cut test involves counting off 300 beans. These 300 beans are then cut
lengthwise through the middle and examined. Separate counts are made of the number of beans which are defective in that they are mouldy, slaty, insect damaged, germinated or flat. The results for each kind of defect are expressed as a percentage of the 300 beans examined. The amount of defective beans revealed in the cut test gives manufacturers an indication of the flavour characteristics of the beans. Bean counts are another measure of quality that producing countries often use, though there is no internationally accepted bean size classification. The Federation of Cocoa Commerce defines the following method for bean counts: A sample of not less than 600 grammes of whole beans, irrespective of size but not including flat beans, will be counted to obtain the number of beans per 100 grammes.

Further tests are carried out by chocolate manufacturers and cocoa processors, particularly for beans from origins that are inconsistent in quality or prone to off flavours. The manufacturer cannot sift out all the defective beans and so must ensure good quality at the selection stage. Consistency in quality for the production of cocoa mass cannot be achieved when using one source of cocoa beans because of the large natural variability which exists in each lot. The differences can be reduced by having a number of different types and lots of cocoa beans of known quality in stock and making an appropriate blend. Strict control of the roasting and alkalising processes is also required to produce the best quality.
For the chocolate manufacturer the yield of nib is very important, as is the amount of cocoa butter in the nib. Higher levels of cocoa butter mean that lower levels will need to be added later on in the manufacturing process. Nib yields are determined in the laboratory. Flavour is also important for chocolate manufacturers. Flavour assessment is normally carried out by panels of between five and ten experienced tasters. Off flavours can readily be detected by tasting roasted ground nib of cocoa liquor directly or they can be mixed with sugar and water to make a basic dark chocolate before tasting. Mouldy and smoky off flavours and excessive bitterness cannot be removed during processing. Acid tastes can be altered in processing through neutralisation. Sub standard beans can be pressed whole to produce expelled cocoa butter which is then refined. Better quality beans are deshelled before pressing to produce pure pressed cocoa butter and cocoa press cake (which ultimately becomes cocoa powder). Chocolate manufacturers have a number of requirements with respect to the quality of cocoa butter: hardness, melting and solidification behaviour.
Cocoa trade associations and national authorities produce standards or gradings for cocoa beans covering the bean count per 100g and the
percentage of permitted faults, moisture and foreign matter, and the International Standards Organization provides a specification for cocoa

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Tosmega Cocoa

Tosmega-Cocoa is a company, license to carry out Cocoa Farming and marketing cocoa beans to companies, Agents and merchants in the industry. In addition to the produce from our 50 hectares cocoa farm, we also buy well fermented and dried cocoa from the Farmers, Factors and LBA's (License Buying Agents) and supply to any clients Company, Agent or Merchants anywhere in the world. Apart from our routine cocoa business, we engaged the farmers on training programs on the best methods to farm "Cocoa" in other to yield high quality and bumper harvest. the "RED GOLD" as is widely known among the Factors and LBA's in Boki Local Goverment Area of Cross River State where our Warehouse is located is an economic product that most Africa countries enjoy a comparative economic advantage . 

Tosmega Cocoa is established in 2010 as a  cocoa Merchant, Dealer and Supplier of Cocoa to any client in the World. Our Products are the cocoa produce from the central area of Cross River State. Our traditional busines model is based on the effort to meet our customers demand based. And also supply high quality cococa beans to any merchant who want to do business with us.We have a large supply capacity of about 500 tonnes of cocoa to sell to both local and international merchants.  Based on the decision of the company to expand our capacity strength, we increase our warehouse capacity to accommodate additional 150 tonnes of cocoa in the present period.
       Our Office is located in Katchuan Irruan, Boki LGA Cross River State, Nigeria while our warehouse is sited in Katchuan 11, Irruan Boki LGA of Coss River State..We are looking forward for companies, individual Merchants and end users companies in the cocoa industry to partner with us for a reliable and Just in Time supply. We deals in high quality cocoa beans from the fertilize and Virgin  Forest of Cross River State, Nigeria.